- Quick Pallet Maker may prove to be an asset if you want to optimize the shipping of various products in order to reduce transportation costs. It allows customization of the containers, boxes.
- The super fast color schemes generator! Create the perfect palette or get inspired by thousands of beautiful color schemes.

The first major upgrade (version 2.0) to Quick Pallet Maker, the pallet-loading/packaging design software, is now available from SCA Mecanica, an engineering services company located in the city of Caracas, Venezuela.
Quick Pallet Maker is a package design application, developed with the REALbasic development environment that calculates and displays optimal pallet loads, based on primary package or box dimensions and load restrictions. Version 2.0 improves the graphics output and user interface, while introducing new features, according to Adriana Bello of SCA Mecanica. The update adds redesigned windows, palletizing animation export, improved printing, increased stability, and other features.
Most products are shipped in boxes and then in standard pallets. Most of the time, these standard pallets are shipped within standard containers or in trucks. Frequently, there’s some extra volume and/or weight in the containers or in the trucks that’s billed anyway by the carrier but that isn’t used by the client, according to the folks at SCA Mecanica.
Quick Pallet Maker FAQ This blog contains frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding the Quick Pallet Maker packaging software. To ask a question, just add a comment to any post. Quick Pallet Maker is a Business::Vertical Market Apps software developed by Koona LLC.After our trial and test, the software was found to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for Quick Pallet Maker: Quick Pallet Maker is an application that was designed to help the package designer create optimal box and pallet arrangements to fit more products into a pallet.
With this in mind, the company created Quick Pallet Maker, a pallet loading/ package design program that lets the user calculate the optimal secondary package dimensions and pallet arrangements, thus reducing shipping costs.
“Current clients have been attracted to Quick Pallet Maker’s ease of use, low cost and effectiveness in delivering the desired palletizing solutions,” Bello said.
Quick Pallet Maker Calculates
Quick Pallet Maker is US$379 per license, up to four licenses. For five seats and above, the program cost is $189.00 per license. A free 30-Day trial version can be downloaded from the company Web site. Bluestacks snapseed.